
Framework dedicated for Arduino

It is lightweight and easy to integrate with existing code by design. Let you write well organized code and easier model communication between components.


Create folder golem0 in (My) Documents/Arduino/libraries/ and copy there content of libraries from this repo.

Now restart Arduino IDE and you should see it under Sketch -> Import library -> golem0

You can find more detailed description here: http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries

Basic concepts

Loop and setup handling

To let Golem do its job you need to forward to World setup and loop calls, like this:

void setup()

void loop()

World init

Global function world_init is your place it initialize world and entities. Once configured there, entities will get their setup and can react according to time thanks to callbacks from main loop.


Think is single tick of original loop with controllable non-blocking delay. To use it, create class extending Entity, override method onThink and add entity to world.

Important: make sure to call setNextThink to receive next think.


class MyClass : public Entity 
    MyClass : Entity() 

    void onThink(long currentTime)
        //Do something

        //Schedule next think for 10ms
        this->setNextThink(currentTime + 10);

void world_init()
    World::addEntity(new MyClass());