World is static class that should be injected into Arduino setup and loop methds. It allows you to manage entities.
Public methods
Handle timing based implementations. This function should be called in Arduino loop function.
static void loop();
Do hardware setup. This function should be called in Arduino setup function.
static void setup();
Add annonymous entity to world. You need to keed pointer on your own, for now its not possible to find annonymous entity in the World.
static void addEntity(Entity* ent);
Adding entity to world in world_init
function mean that entity will get proper setup and will be able to thinking.
Add entity to world and label it with id. Id should be uniquee.
You can get pointer later on using World::findEntityById
static void addEntity(const char* endId, Entity* ent);
Adding entity to world in world_init
function mean that entity will get proper setup and will be able to thinking.
Get reference to entity with given id.
static Entity* findEntityById(const char* entId);