* A Hexo context object
* @typedef {Object} HexoContext
* @callback sandboxFactoryFn
* @param {string|object} options - a string with a fixture name or a configuration object
* @param {string} options.fixtureName - a fixture name, the folder of the Hexo testing project
* @param {boolean} options.skipInit - set to true if you don't want to initialize Hexo. Default: false
* @return {Promise<HexoContext>}
* @module core
import path from 'path'
import Promise from 'bluebird'
* ```js
* // CommonJS
* const {createSandbox} = require('hexo-test-utils')
* // ES2015
* import {createSandbox} from 'hexo-test-utils'
* ```
* This is the main function of `hexo-test-utils` used to build a factory of sandboxes.
* By default it uses an empty fixture folder, which means no source files, no theme, no config, etc.
* To prepare data for your test you have multiple options:
* - use {@link HexoContext} methods directly
* - use helper methods from this package, like {@link module:core.mockConfig|mockConfig}
* - provide a folder with fixture files
* @param {constructor} Hexo - Hexo constructor to be used
* @param {Object} options - Sandbox options
* @param {string} options.fixture_folder - a root path to the folder with fixtures
* @param {string[]} options.plugins - list of plugins paths to be loaded in your Sandbox, the easiest way is to use `require.resolve`
* @return {sandboxFactoryFn} a Sandbox factory function
* @example <caption>Basic example</caption>
* const {createSandbox} = require('hexo-test-utils')
* const Hexo = require('hexo')
* const sandbox = createSandbox(Hexo)
* const ctx = await sandbox()
* @example <caption>Example with custom fixture</caption>
* const {createSandbox} = require('hexo-test-utils')
* const Hexo = require('hexo')
* const path = require('path')
* const sandbox = createSandbox(Hexo, {
* fixture_folder: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures')
* })
* // Create a context with a fixture folder set to '../fixtures/test1'
* const ctx = await sandbox('test1')
* @example <caption>Example with custom plugins</caption>
* const {createSandbox} = require('hexo-test-utils')
* const Hexo = require('hexo')
* const path = require('path')
* const sandbox = createSandbox(Hexo, {
* plugins: [
* require.resolve('hexo-some-plugin'),
* require.resolve('../src')
* ]
* })
* const ctx = await sandbox()
export function createSandbox(Hexo, options) {
options = {
plugins: [],
return function sandboxFactoryFn (initOptions) {
initOptions = initOptions || {}
const name = typeof initOptions == 'string' ? initOptions : initOptions.fixtureName
const skipInit = typeof initOptions == 'string' ? false : initOptions.skipInit
const baseFolder = name
? path.join(options.fixture_folder, name)
: path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'default')
const ctx = new Hexo(baseFolder, {silent: true})
// Bypass the package.json check and make sure the config file can be loaded
ctx.env.init = true
ctx.extend.filter.register('after_init', () => {
return Promise.each(options.plugins, pluginPath => {
}, 0)
if (skipInit) {
return Promise.resolve(ctx)
return ctx.init().then(() => ctx)
* ```
* // CommonJS
* const {init} = require('hexo-test-utils')
* // ES2015
* import {init} from 'hexo-test-utils'
* ```
* Initializes all plugins, generates content from folders. Useful if you need to mock main configuration like `source_dir`
* Use with `skipInit` in {@link sandboxFactoryFn}.
* @param {HexoContext} ctx
* @return {Promise.<HexoContext>}
export function init(ctx) {
return ctx.init().then(() => ctx)
* ```
* // CommonJS
* const {process} = require('hexo-test-utils')
* // ES2015
* import {process} from 'hexo-test-utils'
* ```
* Loads and processes all the blog data. After calling this function the passed {@link HexoContext} will have all information
* about the blog.
* @param {HexoContext} ctx
* @return {Promise.<HexoContext>}
export function process(ctx) {
return ctx.load().then(() => ctx)
* ```
* // CommonJS
* const {mockConfig} = require('hexo-test-utils')
* // ES2015
* import {mockConfig} from 'hexo-test-utils'
* ```
* Mocks the Hexo configuration. Useful to test the plugin with different configurations without using fixtures.
* > Note: Make sure to call it before `process`
* @param {HexoContext} ctx
* @param {string} name - a name of configuration, it the config YML file it would be the root key
* @param {*} value - a new configuration for a given name, usually an Object
export function mockConfig(ctx, name, value) {
ctx.config[name] = value